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Start of School To-Do List


At the start of each school year, parents and guardians need to fill out forms and pay fees.  Here is the checklist of tasks to do.

1.     Set up Source Account. Parents and guardians of new SPS students:  set up your Source account.  The Source is where you will find important information for your student and links to pay and complete forms. This is also where you will find your student’s quarterly progress reports from their teachers as the year progresses. You will need an active account in the Source to complete the steps below.


2.     Note Student ID. Locate your student's ID number by logging in to the Source. Their student ID number is at the top of the page. You will need the student ID number in some of the forms and for lunch payment set up.


3.     Change of Address. Have you moved?  Please update your address with the school district.


4.     Data Verification.  Complete the data verification form for each student. You can access this form in the Source. Once logged into the Source, click on Data Verification in the menu on the left side of the page.  Please complete this step for each student.  This form is submitted online and must be completed in addition to the forms listed in the next step below. (This is a point of confusion for parents. Only completing the data verification form is not sufficient. You must also complete the list of forms listed in the next step.)


5.     Seattle Public Schools Forms.  To access the forms in languages other than English, please visit this site


New this year:  Forms can be completed digitally.  The links to the English version of the pdf files are below.  You may edit the form and type your name for a signature.  (No need to print the forms and sign with a pen.)  Save the pdf files with an appropriate name for the file (so that Beth can know what it is) and then attach them to an email to Beth at brlee@seattleschools.orgIn the subject line, please list the name of the forms that you have attached.


If you would prefer to complete paper forms, please email Beth and request paper forms.  Forms will be sent home with your child.


List of required forms to complete. These forms must be completed and emailed to Beth. Everyone must complete these forms.


b.    FERPA 

c.    Device Agreements:  Please complete one for each student, according to grade.

                                      i.     IPad Agreement for grades K-2

                                     ii.     Laptop Agreement for grades 3-5


List of forms to return – if applicable:


a.    McKinney Vento Program/Student Housing Questionnaire – return ONLY if you do NOT rent or own your house/apartment.

b.    Survey to Identify Disabled Students ONLY if you think your child has a disability and is NOT currently eligible for Special Education services.


6.     Families in Need Form. All families:  Please complete the Families in Need form.  Answers will be sent to Ms. Ella and kept confidential.


7.     School Supply Fee.  Parents and guardians do not need to purchase school supplies.  Instead, pay the $35 per student donation by logging into the Source and clicking on the School Pay link on the left side menu.  Once in School Pay, choose the 2024-2025 School Supply and Online Subscriptions item and pay the $35.


8.     SPS Volunteer Application.  If you wish to volunteer in the school building or chaperone field trips, please check your volunteer approval status if you've volunteered in past years or complete an application and background check if you are new to volunteering at Montlake. Go to the SPS volunteer page to check status or to renew or apply.


9.     Montlake Volunteer Survey. Our small school relies heavily on volunteers and we hope that all parents and guardians can find a way to help.  There are many ways to volunteer.  Take this Volunteer Survey to learn about volunteer opportunities and to indicate your volunteer interest.  Note:  Completing this survey does not commit you to any volunteer job.  You will be contacted to learn more and decide how much time you can commit.

10. Sign up for Classroom Parent. The Classroom Parent app will be used in the coming year to send information, coordinate events, volunteer opportunities, and help families reach each other via the school directory.  We need all families, new and returning, to go to the Classroom Parent sign up page. to be listed in the directory and to use the site.

When prompted, use the password "montlake2025."

Class codes are listed below:

Class codes:

  • Beau Browman: 312

  • Lori Yorde 318

  • Kari Mills Room 316

  • Courtney Stump 310

  • Margaret Johnson 303

  • Carol Podney 301

  • Jack Marshall 304

11. Join the PTA.  Join or renew your membership in the PTA. Everyone must renew their membership annually.  To join the PTA for free for any reason, use the coupon code JoinFree.  This coupon code will work for the individual membership option.

12. Subscribe to School Newsletter.  If you are new to Montlake or if you did not receive the school newsletter last year, please subscribe. No need to subscribe if you received the newsletter last year. Please note that by subscribing you will receive the weekly school newsletter AND other important school communications. Please skim the newsletter weekly for important school information. Also note that if you use a gmail address, the newsletter may end up in your promotions tab.


13. Payment for School Lunches. SPS has changed their payment system for school lunches to MySchoolBucks.  Create an account and add your student(s).  Any balances from last year should remain in your student’s account.  In addition, you can view menus for school breakfast and lunch with mealviewer.



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Montlake Elementary PTA @ John Marshall

520 NE Ravenna Blvd

Seattle, WA 98115

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